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Face cleaning
Cosmetic facial cleansing is one of the most popular procedures in the world. Its main task is to return the skin to a healthy appearance. This will happen after the respiration of the skin is restored, it will be freed from fat and dirt, dead cells. All this helps to achieve facial cleansing. In order for the skin to always look well-groomed, you need to clean it regularly. And people with problem skin, with blackheads and black dots, such a procedure is shown at least once a month.
There are contraindications. A doctor's consultation before the procedure is mandatory.
Answers to popular questions
Before choosing the necessary type of cleaning, the specialist performs an examination of the skin, clarifies all the details and wishes of the patient, as well as establishes the absence of contraindications.

Before starting the procedure, all impurities and decorative cosmetics are removed from the skin. And also performed degreasing with the help of a special agent. Then the specialist proceeds to a specific cleaning protocol.
Before choosing the necessary type of cleaning, the specialist performs an examination of the skin, clarifies all the details and wishes of the patient, as well as establishes the absence of contraindications.

Before starting the procedure, all impurities and decorative cosmetics are removed from the skin. And also performed degreasing with the help of a special agent. Then the specialist proceeds to a specific cleaning protocol.
The treatment involves the exfoliation of dead skin layers, which stimulates skin regeneration, improves skin tone and texture, and removes imperfections such as black spots and blackheads. It also helps to detoxify the skin and restore the skin's protective layer while stimulating blood circulation.
Price of the procedure
1620 TL
Facial cleansing with uno spoon and vidal needle
1856 TL
pHformula chemical facial
600 TL
DermaCler Vacuum Facial Cleanse
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