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Face peels
Peels are one of the most popular and basic skin care procedures. In addition to the fact that peels contribute to the removal of the keratinized layer of skin and pore cleansing, certain acids allow solving a wide range of aesthetic problems. Peels gently fight existing signs of skin aging, are effective in the fight against acne and post-acne, lighten pigmentation, even out skin tone and relief, slow down the aging process and serve as an excellent prevention of premature skin aging.
Period of less sun activity (fall, winter, early spring)
There are contraindications. A doctor's consultation before the procedure is mandatory.
Answers to popular questions
Before choosing the necessary peeling, the specialist performs an examination of the skin, clarifies all the details and wishes of the patient, as well as establishes the absence of contraindications.

Before starting the procedure, all impurities and decorative cosmetics are removed from the skin. And also performed degreasing with the help of a special agent. Then the peeling itself is applied to the skin in the required concentration. The peeling procedure can be repeated several times with a break of 5-7 minutes. Peeling residue is neutralized with a special agent. A mask or soothing cream is applied to the skin
Before choosing the necessary peeling, the specialist performs an examination of the skin, clarifies all the details and wishes of the patient, as well as establishes the absence of contraindications.

Before starting the procedure, all impurities and decorative cosmetics are removed from the skin. And also performed degreasing with the help of a special agent. Then the peeling itself is applied to the skin in the required concentration. The peeling procedure can be repeated several times with a break of 5-7 minutes. Peeling residue is neutralized with a special agent. A mask or soothing cream is applied to the skin
Price of the procedure
1518 TL
1518 TL
1620 TL
1518 TL
DSA bleak
1518 TL
DSA white
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